Saturday 9 July 2011

Guest Post - Pills and Fights

This guest post had kindly been submitted by another friend of mine. I didn't know them at the time of these incidents, but met them shortly after. I can honestly say, that knowing what a friendly, and nice person they are, what happened to them when they were on pills has totally shocked me. I never could have guessed that something as horrible as that could happen to such a good person.


Pills and Fights

Part 1 - Weed

I did the usual, you know, getting pissed with mates. At that age, a pretty young age, that seemed the right thing to do, all rebellious and shit! I had one mate, who at the time was living in a caravan outside his parents. It was the most idyllic location to be living, although it was less than 20 feet away from their house! This is where it all started.
I was only about 14/15 years of age when I first got exposed to drugs, maybe a little older but hey ho outcome was nevertheless the same. Someone had gotten hold of some weed. I thought “Wow isn’t he cool”, not.... There were only one or two people that were properly smoking it. This was when my mate with the caravan started inviting other people round, and of course it carried on like Chinese whispers, tonnes of people were there! Well, slight exaggeration but I’m writing this so na!
As naturally as weed comes, it gets passed around. I had one toke from it and felt like shit, I couldn’t be arsed to do anything, even though it was only a small amount I had smoked. But what with me having “virgin” lungs it hit me pretty hard.
That was the first time I had one puff, then it happened again, but this time I had been heavily drinking. Roughly same age as before, and I decided to smoke a little more than I did originally. It was hilarious, not only was I paralysed, I was pissing myself with laughter as my head was literally plonked against the wall of the caravan. All the others were pissing themselves too, quite an amusing night.
After a while it was just the same old people bringing weed, and the “original gang” were fading away because of it getting out of control, caravan was getting wrecked etc. So shortly I stopped going round there, just to get away from the nutters, and the drugs. Weed stinks, it’s a vile smell, I did mention that didn’t I?

Part 2 - Pills

Bollocks to this, I’ll cut straight to the chase; my best mate invited me and a few of his mates to go for a cruise in his car. In total there were about 4 or 5 of us, cramped into his clapped out Rover 216. One of them decided to ask my mate to make a detour to someone’s house, it turned out that someone was a dealer, and he got himself a bag of pills. He started knocking them back like smarties, I shit you not, wishful thinking that he’d knock himself out, he turned out to be a bloody nutjob.
My best mate was driving and he was sober throughout the night, I had a few bottles of beer, and then the moment came, “d’ya want a pill or two mate?” Inevitably I said yes, why the hell not? I felt like nothing was going right in my life anyway so I wanted to blow it away, did I blow it away...? Did I ever.
The others were doing the pills too, so I took one, waited for a while and Christ did it take a while, I believe I took another one not long after the first.
We were on the move again to someone else’s house, god knows where we were going, but when we got there, there were more people. They were all sober. I think I snorted some pills as well when we were inside the house, but still wasn’t coming up yet. Then the bloke who’d got the pills asked me, “are ya coming up yet” and I replied, “yes,” as I had just started to get this intense warm feeling throughout my body, to put it comparatively, it was like an orgasm but much more pronounced (and better!)
Well, did some more pills, and we were on the move again, to another blokes house who wasn’t with us previously.
This is where it gets sketchy, the bloke who was with us asked us for a score to get some more pills, me being a mug I said yeah, don’t even think I got a share from this batch, nor did I get my twenty quid back, which he said I would. My best mate had left at this point so I was stranded in the middle of some strange place. Another bloke turned up on a scooter, he did some pills too, and was driving. Mad hatter I tell ya. Shortly afterwards, at this other bloke’s house, I think it was the lad on the ‘ped that started getting mouthy to everyone. There was a lot of commotion. Someone said “get out my fucking house or I’m gonna knock you out”, and boy was he serious, I can’t remember whether a punch was landed by either of them. Ped boy soon scarpered.
I was pissed, starting to come down, and I just wanted to lie down and go to sleep. Not a chance. I couldn’t sleep for shit. I was laid on this strangers bed, with the others sat on the edge of it. The bloke whose house it was, from what I can remember, he said something about he doesn’t want my greasy hair all over his pillow. Err excuse me, but it’s not greasy.
Next day, I was out of it. Everything was surreal, and I didn’t know my arse from my elbow!! This is the part that gets pretty bad. When me, and another two of the guys originally from my mates car were leaving, apparently I was mouthing off to this bloke whose house it was. I was like, well what the hell have I done… don’t know what his problem was. Next minute I was walking ahead of them, and all I heard was this barrage of stomping as the lad who had the “problem” cracked me round the back of the head. Then he tripped me, or pushed me, either way I was on the ground. He kicked me in the face once or twice while I laid there.
I thought I had blood coming out of my nose, but turns out it was where he kicked me and my nose was just running, mmmm nice(!)
Then he disappeared and I called my mate to come pick me up right this bloody minute. I met him at a roundabout about 10, or so, minutes later. Had a right pop at him for leaving me with people I didn’t know. He apologised for it though, I think.
The damage done to me was next to nothing, a small cut above my eyebrow was all he had managed. Must not have been a “hard” lad!
Coming off the pills I didn’t speak, or if I did it wasn’t much at all. I hardly said a word to my parents that day, that was very strange. My pupils were “pulsating” when I looked in the mirror. Just had to hope they wouldn’t notice, they didn’t thank goodness.
Coming off the pills must have lasted a few days, if not more, as I had small hallucinations. A few days later, I was in a pub with a mate. I said to him something white had fallen out of his head. Lo and behold we pissed ourselves. I was still feeling the effects!

Part 3 - Cocaine

I’ve never really had any experience with cocaine, apart from someone using it in their flat, which was brief. I had a dream a fair few years ago about doing cocaine, and surprise, surprise I was carted off to hospital where I died. Not a pleasant dream, but one that has really put me off cocaine. I could have got hold of some whenever I wanted to, but because of that dream, I never dared to touch it, no matter how small the line.

Part 4 - Buying my Own

After gaining my driving licence I restricted what I drank, and didn’t plan to ever touch drugs. But after meeting this woman, it sort of changed. A few of us went back to her house, and next minute she pulls out a box from under the sofa and rolls a massive joint. She smoked it quite happily, after all, it was her house she was doing it in, and it didn’t bother me at all. A few more visits cropped up, and she rolled another one, this time I said I fancied a bit. Omg! Dunno what it was but it knocked me for six! I was lying next to her on my tummy and my whole body felt like it was sinking, a weird but nice warm fuzzy feeling.
About 10 minutes or so later, I was sat on her garden doorstep with my head spinning. I didn’t puke, I’m far too hard for that! Eventually though, the effects wore off and I went to sleep.
I started buying my own off her. I was so paranoid having this bag of weed in the glove box, but I got it home safe and sound. I smoked some at home, then worst of all, I smoked some at work. Me panicking, I dropped some on the floor at work when I was rolling one. It was a fuzzy type of carpet and a pain to clear up!
Then to be honest it ended as quickly as it started and vowed to myself to never touch it again, and to this day I haven’t.


Some bullet points to cap things off:
• Weed? It stinks.
• I can't understand why anyone would want a drug to make you feel like crap and be lazy...?
• Drugs are so readily available nowadays, anyone can get some.
• I enjoyed the first time on pills, just not the repercussions


Before writing this, I would have contemplated doing pills again, even knowing what I do. But after writing, and really thinking about it, they would probably screw me up again and put my mind back to where it was before, bringing back that impression that nothing in my life is going right. I know I’d just want that first feeling again, just once more, and I'd chase it. But it doesn’t work like that; the second time’s never the same as the first.

My Life Now - Pills again

Last night I had some friends over. One of them brought "a friend" whom I'd never met.
This girl was just coming up 22, and I was afterwards told she'd recently lost a close family member, and had to organise, and speak at, the funeral herself. So not an easy time of life recently then!
She told me she was going to her first Rave that night, and was intending to take her first pill.
Apparently it was a legal rave. Now, personally, I've never actually been to one of those. Well, not unless you count the under-18s club night I went to with Lucy once. But I'm not sure if that counts. (I'll blog about that one soon.)
Apparently they're not all that different. I strongly suspect the dealers won't be lined up at the entrance like they were at the Raves I used to go to, but I don't doubt they'll be there somewhere.
I didn't say anything. God only knows why!! I bloody should have.
I just bit my tongue and kept quiet.
It’s so hard, I don’t want to preach to people like a holier-than-thou ex-smoker. I know holier-than-thou ex-smokers. And as a very happy smoker, I can tell you now that the words “well I managed to give up” are the six most irritating words you can say to a smoker!
But on the other hand, that person could be about to seriously damage their mind. I just wish I could take my memories, and take my flashbacks and put them on a plate and show them to people. I wish I could give them to people. I wish I could convey the feeling, words don’t cut it. I just wish people who are thinking about drugs could have my memories, just for a second, just so they know what can happen. But memories aren’t chips. You can’t put them on a plate. And you can’t really preach about them either without being a holier-than-thou ex-drug addict.

Y’know what? I might just make business cards for this blog and start handing the buggers out instead!!