Are you a Parent?

If you're a parent and you're worried about your children taking drugs, I hope the following advice will be of some help. From a drug users point of view, parents "won't understand". So 9 times out of 10, parents won't be told, and therefor won't be able to help. Understanding is the key, and not overreacting closely follows!
(Yes, I can imagine that sounds impossible, but bear with me)

How can you tell if it's Drugs?

Please have a look at the Drug Pages.On each of them you can find the effects of each drug. In my experience, Cannabis is by far the most common drug people will dabble with. Look out for red eyes. Bloodshot eyes are a fairly safe indication that that's what it is. Obviously if someone has hayfever, this isn't very helpful! Cannabis also slows you down and makes you lethargic and forgetful.

It's Drugs, what do I do?

Firstly, don't panic. Weed is usually the culprit, and luckily its the easiest to get off if you're not heavily into it. A great way to ask is to start with; "I don't mind, I just want to know". They key really is to adopt a relaxed attitude and get them to talk. Find out how bad it is. Find out if it's a Dabble, or a Problem. I'm not a parent, so I can't offer the best advice, but I can tell you the point of view of the child. I was that child. I would not talk if I thought it would mean I'd get shouted at, and even if my parents seemed in a good mood, I still thought I'd get shouted at. If you can get across that you won't do that, you should be off to a good start. I was 100% convinced they "wouldn't understand". Arm yourself with knowledge, and you can show that you will, and do, understand. If it is just a dabble, the best course of action may well be to let them get on with it, and over it themselves.
If it's more than a dabble, then try Talk to Frank for some advice, they're wonderful.