About Me

My name is Christie and I'm now in my 20s. I live in my own flat. Paid for by my own money, I run my own business and I ride a Motorcycle. That's mine too.

But I have a long and colourful drug history.

Six years ago I learnt a lot. A hell of a lot. The hard way. I'm ready now to share what I learnt. I hope other people will be able to read this and find out what drugs are really like.Not the nonsense available, not the crap on TV, and not the stuff the government publish to try to "put kids off drugs". The Truth. "The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth" and all that. I've seen it all, and done most of it. I can tell you what it's really like. And I can tell you what it's really like six years on, when you want to get on with your life, get a job, get a house and do all those normal Life Things. I can tell you how it could affect you in 6 years time, and how it probably won't. I can tell you what I've seen. And what I've seen has nothing to do with laboratorys. It has to do with Real Life and Real People.

I've been there. I've been an addict and I know what it's like.

I can tell you The Truth About Drugs, From someone who's done them. Nearly all of them.


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