About this Blog

I've created this blog because I just want people to know the truth.

The blog itself will jump all over the place, I'm just going to write what I remember in no particular order! But you can use the links on the right to navigate to what you want to see.

There's so much rubbish out there about drugs, so much scaremongering and stuff that just isn't true. There's also a ton of scientific info already available, stuff that is true and is very good. What there isn't, is a lot of personal drug experiences. The real thing, so people can see what it's really like.

I've had a lot of those experiences.

I want to share them, so people can see what it's like from the point of view of someone who was doing drugs, and "couldn't see anything wrong with it". Also from the point of view of that same person after giving the drugs up, and living with the consequences.
And yes, now I do see what was wrong with a lot of it, but I also see what wasn't.

I'm not out to preach, there is only thing I want people to take away from this.


Just imagine. Could you live with what I live with? Are you likely to? Will you even live? What's really dangerous and what's pretty harmless? Make your own choice. But find out the truth, find out what could really happen to you if you take drugs.


If you're reading this because you're having trouble, if you want to get away from any drug at all, please, talk. Tell people. Even if it's just the bloody Samaritans! Tell someone. Even if you're just a little bit worried, but you don't think it's a Problem at the moment, Just Talk. I have too many friends who are dead now, and too many who are locked up. Please don't end up like them, if nothing else, it is horrible for the people you leave behind who just couldn't help you because they didn't know.

I had a serious drug addiction, and I talked. I lived. It could have been so different.


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