Wednesday 18 May 2011

Different Drugs - Cannabis

"Cannabis, also known as marijuana[2] (sometimes spelled "marihuana"[3]) among many other names,a[›] refers to any number of preparations of the Cannabis plant intended for use as a psychoactive drug or for medicinal purposes. The word marijuana comes from the Mexican Spanish word, marihuana.[4] According to the United Nations, cannabis "is the most widely used illicit substance in the world."[5]"*

So What is it?

It's green stuff that looks a bit like mixed herbs. Usually, you roll it up in a fag and smoke it. Although I have heard of people making it into tea, and I've tried the cakes.

My Experience

There's a lot I can tell you about this stuff, of all the drugs I did, weed was the one I did the most.
I did just about every kind under the sun;
Hash, (the resin) Skunk, (the bud) Squidgy Black, (some kind of squishy strong hash. Don't, just Don't. It made me very ill) Liquid THC, Hashcakes, Chocolates made with Skunk, and some sort of horrible crumbly stuff Ash brought back from Amsterdam. I was told it was pollen, but whatever it was, it knocked me out.
Weed was just sort of always there, you smoked it alongside any other drug you were doing. I treated it like it was just a fag. I started smoking it at the age of 14. I got addicted pretty fast. Some people say weed isn't addictive, I say Bollocks. Most of my friends readily admitted to being addicted to the stuff. It might not be physically addictive but it's still addictive. Believe me, I know, I've been Addicted. You get this irritating feeling when you've gone a day without it, this feeling of wanting something, but not being sure what. And the feeling usually leads to being bloody grumpy and ratty. Think PMT. It's horrible.
I smoked it every day for about 4 years. Pretty much every single day. If I added up what I spent on drugs over the years I was doing them, I could probably buy about 6 motorcycles. From Brand New.
When you're on weed, the effect is different for a lot of people. Personally, initially it just slowed me down. I remember reading somewhere that addicts have to do their drug just to feel normal. Well that part is very true. After a while, I had to be stoned just to get through the day.
In a way, weed contributed to the flashbacks I live with now. If I hadn't have started on weed, I never would have met the people I met and started taking Pills. I never would have thought taking pills "was okay, because I was breaking the law anyway by smoking weed." When I took the pills that nearly killed me, I was stoned. And I was nervous and paranoid because I was too stoned. So when the pills hit me, I thought I was dead. That happened a few times with other drugs too, although not as strongly as that time on the pills. Each time, the weed meant I wasn't in the right frame of mind to be doing those drugs. But I did them anyway, because I just couldn't believe something as harmless as a bit of weed could really cause any problems.

As a result of thinking that, I now live with pretty nasty permanent mental damage.

What I've seen

Almost all my friends were smoking weed. It was normal. You didn't start by taking Class A, you started by smoking weed. And then you might try a bit of Ecstasy (pills), then maybe a bit of Ketamine, maybe some Coke, and for some of us, you then ended up addicted to Heroin.
I remember my friend Lou smoking weed and drinking Lambrini, she ended up in hospital getting her stomach pumped.
I remember Chris getting mugged because he was too stoned to do anything about it. He lost his phone, his keys, £30 cash, his weed and his fags. He never reported it. You can't report stolen weed.
Ash had a mental condition. To my knowledge, mental illness was in his family. I believe it was Schizophrenia, or another Multiple Personality Disorder of some sort. Ash used to sniff a bit of Coke occasionally. He once ended up in a mental hospital, convinced he was Elvis. I'm glad to say, the doctors have worked hard and his medication now controls the disorder very well. He can live an almost normal life. I remember meeting up with his girlfriend Carly one day, just for a quick drink in the pub. She had a broken nose and a black eye. Ash had been too stoned to remember to take his medication and had turned on Carly, almost hospitalising her. It had been over a CD, which Ash couldn't find. Ash still smokes weed, convinced it will help with the illness. Carly has left him.
Carlos used to smoke a hell of a lot of weed. Actually even more than I did. I remember Carlos telling me how he saw his Dealer one day, just driving down the high street. So he waved, to say hello. The Dealer mounted the kerb and tried to run him over. I will never know why, no one knew why, but I suspect the Dealer did not want to be associated with a junkie like Carlos in public. We never saw that Dealer again after he tried to run Carlos over, word was he had been locked up. I don't know what for. And I don't want to.

What do I think about Cannabis?

In my opinion, there's a lot more to this drug than meets the eye. It's actually a lot more dangerous than some people like to make out. I've seen the horrible fear and paranoia it can cause people, and I've experienced the permanent damage it can do to your mind firsthand. The memory problems are the worst part, and they seem to be getting worse as I get older. I am only in my 20s. Whilst some people smoke it and claim to have no trouble at all, I strongly suspect they'd be surprised how different they could feel if they came off it, even for just a month. When I decided to stop smoking it, it was hard. It was bloody hard. But after about 3 months, the cravings did go away and I was amazed at how much clearer my head felt. Just 3 months. After years of being addicted.


For more in depth info on Cannabis and its effects, see what Frank say Here

* quote from Wikipedia

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