Tuesday 17 May 2011

Memories - The end of a Rave

I remember sitting on the floor with my friend. I remember the room was small, and dusty. It was 5am or so, dawn was slowly breaking, but the Rave was just about still going. People were thinning out, a lot of them just sitting around the edge of the room, smoking weed, trying to wind down. A few were drinking. I was tired. I'd just come down off the pills, I was sober, but totally knackered. I was leaning on my friends shoulder, not talking, just sitting, trying to gather the energy to get up and go home. There were people still dancing. The people who'd taken the most drugs. I remember the music, it reached one of those crescendos, a real high and happy note. It was so surreal. A lot of people just raised their arms and stood there, swaying gently. I remember there was a man, probably about twenty-something. He was wearing a red jumper. He took a few steps back as the music peaked, he was right in front of me, I could have reached out and touched his leg. He raised his arms with the others and just stood there, waving them a little. His jumper rode up at the back as he stretched his arms up. I could see his Gun holder, it was brown and looked like leather. Kind of like one I'd had as a kid with a cowboy gun in it that came with caps. His Gun was burnished looking silver, with a black bit on the handle. It looked old and worn. Well used.

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