Tuesday 17 May 2011

My History - The ones who made it

Sadly, there are fewer of these. But there are still a few of us who survived, and sobered up.

My friend Lucy had a serious coke problem. One night, when she was wasted, she broke her boyfriends nose. Another time, I remember her drinking a ton of whiskey and sleeping with a guy she'd never met before. Her boyfriend at the time found out, and left her.
Lucy kicked the drugs when she took on care for her little brother. They had an abusive father, and Lucy got custody of her brother, who had nowhere else to go. Lucy is now at university, and also has a part time job working in the field she's studying. She shares a lovely 2 bed flat with her brother. Lucy is going to be okay, I just know she is.

My friend Jack had a serous coke problem too. Then he dabbled with crack. Jack's parents stepped in, and I don't know what happened from there. What I do know is that Jack got a job. It was only a labouring job of some sort, but it was a job. He kicked the harder drugs, although he is still smoking weed and drinking. Jack is studying music at college, and regularly DJs. He makes his own music, and wins competitions with it. I hope he'll be alright, he's well on the road to recovery.

My friend Sarah had a young daughter. She still smoked a lot of weed. When she had her second child, she was still smoking it. However, she got married shorty before she had her third. She now lives with her husband in a maisonette. As far as I know, she hasn't touched drugs since.

Sadly though, these and my own are the only stories I can tell of people who made it. I wish it was more, but it isn't. All my other friends are still on the drugs, or locked up. But it does go to show, its not impossible. You can get over addictions. Three of us did it. Three out of about twenty. I don't know how the others cope, or what they're living with. I don't like to ask.
Me, I live with horrendous flashbacks, permanent memory loss and bad balance. I also live avoiding a lot of things, because they trigger the flashbacks. Sometimes, when I'm out with my friends I have make my excuses and leave a pub if a particular song comes on. Sometimes I have to lean against things to avoid falling over. But I am still so grateful for everything I've got. I'm still so proud that I got through it and came out the other side. But most of all I am so thankfull that I'm still alive. It could have been so different.


Next Post:
My History - The Damage

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