Tuesday 17 May 2011

Memories - Lucy's Flying

I remember the first time Lucy came raving with us. It was also the first time she ever took pills. She got given pills laced with acid. It nearly ended badly.
Lucy thought our friend Steve had come with us to the party. He hadn't. She spent the first half of the night asking us where he was, she was convinced he was there a moment ago.
I'll never forget the look on her face when the acid kicked in. I was sitting with her at the edge of the main room, the rig was in front of us. Towers of speakers with a DJ in the middle of it all. He looked like a tiny man sitting in the middle of so many giant boxes. I remember the dancers in front of us. About a hundred completely wasted people just wobbling and swaying to the music, a little sea of mismatched colour waving beer bottles and fags. Eyes closed, totally lost. Around the main room was a balcony of sorts. I think the building used to be offices. There was a walkway and a load of doors leading off into little rooms above us.
I remember Lucy pointing at something in the middle of the dancers with a wild look of wonder on her face. I can't forget that look, she was like a child who's been taken to the zoo for the first time and just seen their first tiger. Then she grabbed my arm, she said "Look! The train! Steve's on the train!" I told her there was no train, and Steve was at home. She was adamant that Steve was on the train, in the middle of the room. Finally I managed to convince her not to run out and shove through the dancers trying to get on the train, that would have resulted in a fight. People on pills can switch so easily. One minute they're so happy, but if you push into them trying to get past, they can just turn round and punch you. I told her she'd just missed the train and it had taken Steve home. She wanted to phone him, but I managed to convince her not to. However, she did manage to send him a text message telling him she loved him before I could stop her. I doubt Steve was too impressed. It was 3am.
Lucy was totally out of it that night, she didn't know what she was doing, she was wild and excited and crazy. I remember she dragged me up the spiral staircase to the balcony. I remember her running around the balcony, with me trying to keep hold of her. I remember her leaning over the edge and trying to jump. I had to hold her back. The drop would have killed her. She got angry with me, why was I holding her back? If she jumped off she would just float down to the bottom, didn't I know she could fly?
I remember finally convincing her not to try to fly. I told her flying was illegal at raves and that she would get thrown out if she started flying. I told her there were signs everywhere saying "No Flying", and some of the others joined in too and told her she wasn't allowed to fly. Unbelievably, it worked. But someone had to stay with her all night. I don't want to think about what would have happened if we hadn't done that.

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