Monday 16 May 2011

My History - The Deaths

It's a horrible thing, but Drugs can, and do, cause Death.
I have lost a few friends, I just want to take the time to mention a little something about them and how I remember them. I wish it could have been different. But it wasn't.

I had a female friend, we'll call her Sally.
Sally was into drugs, she liked to go raving and take a few pills. She took other drugs, but I don't know what. She was a lovely girl, she taught me Poi dancing. She was bloody good at it herself.
Sally died around 4 years ago. The word was she went peacefully in her sleep. That really is all I can say, I hate to think of it. When I found out, I was devastated. I will always remember her, she had so much potential, and was such an outgoing person.

I had a male friend, we'll call him Tony.
He was very heavily into drugs, and again into raving. He took all sorts of things, pills, LSD, Mushrooms, Weed, the works. He believed in peace. He was a vegan. He had time for anyone, always. A slightly eccentric, but very friendly person.
Around 3 years ago, he threw himself in front of a train. I will never understand why, nor will anyone who ever knew him. I wish someone could have helped him, but no one ever knew anything was wrong. We all remember him as a happy, if totally stoned, person.

There are others, but I don't know the full details. Maybe that's a good thing, I'm not sure I want to know. Two people I knew have disappeared, I don't know what happened to them. A guy and a girl. I know they were into heroin.

Another two guys were into crack. Two good mates. I haven't heard anything about them for a long time. Last I heard, they were in trouble with the police.

Another guy was into heroin. He has also disappeared. No one knows what happened to him.

These people were my friends. People I knew well. I hate what happened to them, and I miss them. I hope and pray it happens to no one else I know. I wish people would talk, talk and be more careful with the drugs they take. Don't take chances, and admit when there's a problem. Don't leave people like me behind wondering if we could have helped, yet knowing we just couldn't.


Next Post:
My History - The Disasters

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