Tuesday 17 May 2011

My History - The Damage

  • Permanent Memory Loss. Caused by weed. I regularly cannot remember what I did yesterday. Sometimes, I say things to people and then totally forget, and say them again. Sometimes it causes bigger problems, I forget things at work. I give people change from a twenty, because I can't remember they gave me a ten.
  • Memory Loss of when I was younger. I have lost entire sections of my life. I'll never get those memories back. It's things I should be able to remember! I can't remember things from before I took the drugs, and I can't remember a hell of a lot that happened when I was taking them. I can't remember the sound of my Grandmother's voice, but I can vaguely remember a time when I could.
  • Bad Balance. Sometimes I can't stand up without holding onto something. Sometimes I fall over anyway just walking. Luckily, it doesn't happen too often, usually I just trip and then catch hold of something. But bad balance is a very real problem if you ride a bike!!
  • Disorientation. Regularly I get confused by all sorts of silly things. I just loose my train of thought totally mid conversation, or I can't hear what a person is saying.
  • My dodgy nose. I have one nostril bigger than the other, because I used to sniff Ketamine and Speed. It looks a bit odd. And it doesn't help my hay fever!
  • Flashbacks. These are the biggest problem. I've already detailed them here. But let me give you a list of things which trigger them, things which I now have to avoid:
  1. Drum n Bass Music
  2. Queens of the Stoneage
  3. Dance music
  4. The smell of weed
  5. The smell of certain drinks
  6. Disco lights
  7. Roads with street lamps which are too close together - driving past them too quick makes them look like they flash
  8. Alcohol. Even half a glass of wine can trigger a flashback
  9. Early morning cigarettes outside. They give me a head rush, and a head rush often triggers a flashback
  10. A perfume that Lucy wore, I don't know what it is
  11. Clubs. No chance, everything about them will trigger a flashback

It's not too bad, I can still have a normal life. But it's not always easy. Sometimes it really bothers me, particluarly the memory. It's so frustrating whe a friend mentions something they've already told you, but you can't remember them telling you at all. And then you feel like a pratt for having to ask, and your friend feels like you don't pay attention to anything they say, and that you don't care anyway. That part is horrible.

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